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  • Uropi is an International Auxiliary language created by Joel Landais. It is a synthesis of all the common points that can be found in Indo-European languages. Its main characteristics are simplicity, internationality and transparency
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26 janvier 2011

Uropi gedle 2 - Sluze - Réponses - Solutions

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Merkad be Campo dei Fiori, Roma

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40) Oidipe = Oedipe / Oedipus, en grec / in Greek Οιδίπους "Oidipous" = pieds enflés / swollen feet; en / in Uropi, oeil gras "oj + dipi"/ = fat eye.

41) Romàn = roman & Roman / = Roman & novel.

42) Zigàn = Tzigane, du grec byzantin / from Byzantine Greek "athigantos" = qui ne touche pas / who doesn't touch

43) Iràn & Iria = Iran & Irlande (Eire) / Iran & Ireland (Eire) de / from I-E "aryānā"* = pays des Aryens / the country of Aryans. en / in Uropi, "iran" = qui se trompe / mistaken, "iria" = l'endroit où l'on se trompe / the place where you are mistaken

44) Pirene: Ur: "aple, ba pire ne"  = des pommes, mais pas des poires / apples but not pears

45) Vizigote = Wisigoths, en / in Uropi "vizi-gote" = les Goths qui voient / Goths who see 

46) Dominìk = Dominique / Dominic, en / in Uropi "domi-nikad"  signe de tête à la maison / nod at home.         

47) Krita = Crète / Crete, où l'on mange / where you eat "krite" = miettes / crumbs

48) Albania = Albanie, Albania, en / in Uropi = alb = aube / dawn; en albanais / in Alabanian: Shqipëri = le pays des aigles / the land of eagles (shqiponjë = aigle / eagle)     

49) Artemisa = Artemis, en / in Uropi: "arte" + "misa" = arts + messe / = arts + mass

50) Nina : en/ in Uropi = naine / = dwarf (in the feminine)

51) Lag Baikàl : Uropi baj + kal = baie + talon / = bay + heel

52) Debora = débitrice / = debtor (in the feminine) < debo, deb = devoir, dette / = to owe, debt  

53) Beirùt… Ur: bej + rut = abeille + rot / = bee + belch        

54) Genova = Gênes / Genoa: Uropi: gen + novi = naît + nouveau / = is born + new     

55) Lidia en / in Uropi "lid" = tilleul / lime; elle aime le "tilleul" / she likes lime-tea = liditèj

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56) Glasgòv en / in Uropi gov = "boeuf / ox, et / and "glas" = "verre" / = "glass" > glasigòv = "boeuf de verre" / = glass ox

57) Damàsk = Damas/ Damascus; en / in Uropi "da mask" = ce masque (on porte ce masque) / that mask (you wear that mask)

58) Aksèl = Axel et essieu/ = Axel and axle.

59) Veronika  en / in Uropi: "Veri nikad" = vrai signe de tête / = real nod, en grec / in Greek: Φέρω νίκη "pherô nikê" = j'apporte la victoire / I bring victory

60) in Bulgaria, za, un gar bule = là, on garde les boules / there, bowls / balls are kept  

61) Marta:  en / in Uropi: "marto" = marteler / = to hammer

62) Desdemona (in Othello, Shakespeare): in / in Uropi "des demone" = dix démons, ten demons  

63) Dunàv = Danube, en / in Uropi "du nave" = deux bateaux / = two ships        

64) Jasòn = Jason, en / in Uropi = grande, grosse glace / = big ice

65) Andalusia, Andalousie, en / in Uropi "andàl" = pas loin / not far + "usia" = dehors  / outside, à l'origine, le pays des Vandales / originally, the land of Vandals

66) Marcèl = Marcel, en / in Uropi "he cel mar" = il cache la mer / = he hides the sea 

67) Kabùl = Kaboul / Kabul, en / in Uropi "Ka bul ?" = Quelle boule ?  / What bowl, ball ?   

68) In Libàn = au Liban / in Lebanon; en / in Uropi "Lu se talvos in li ban" = ils sont toujours dans leur bain  / = they are always in their bath         

69) Ramòn = Raymond, = we av gren rame = qui a de grands bras / who has long arms, en / in Uropi = "ramone"              

70) Ludovìk, en / in Uropi "in di vik un vok lud", = dans ce village, on parle fort / in this village, people speak loudly

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In de strade Romu, ner Palàz Farnese

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Dolan, avo varten sa longim for davo vo de sluze po Uropi gedle nivel 2<br /> ******<br /> Désolé de vous avoir fait attendre aussi longtemps pour les solutions aux devinettes Uropi niveau 2<br /> ******<br /> Sorry for having kept you waiting so long for the solutions to Uropi riddles level 2