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  • Uropi is an International Auxiliary language created by Joel Landais. It is a synthesis of all the common points that can be found in Indo-European languages. Its main characteristics are simplicity, internationality and transparency
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26 novembre 2018

Uropi: U komùn intranasioni linga 1 - Langue commune internationale - A common international language

Uropi: U komùn intranasioni linga 1 - Langue commune internationale - A common international language
★ ★ ★ * Uropi Nove 114 * Uropi Nove 114 * Uropi Nove 114 * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ 1) Kim mako un intranasioni eldilinga ! * * * * Prim, san Franci,I doʒev deto ap ki u Francicentru vizipunt.Po samp, instà uzo de verb avo wim in usprese wim: j’ai faim, j’ai soif,...
12 janvier 2011

Uropi id Humanisma - Uropi et humanisme - Uropi and humanism

Uropi id Humanisma - Uropi et humanisme - Uropi and humanism
★ ★ ★ * Uropi Nove 41 * Uropi Nove 41 * Uropi Nove 41 * ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ …U humanisma. Kofasan bruti krat, de mogad armis id denjis, u humanisma … I zav, je se wim kambo gon u tank ki nuki mande, je se Davìd gon Goliàt, ba is je sev ni uni usìt ? De pri stap...
8 septembre 2010

Uropi id Cini - Uropi and Chinese - L'Uropi et le chinois

Uropi id Cini - Uropi and Chinese - L'Uropi et le chinois
Uropi Nove 35 * Uropi Nove 35 * Uropi Nove 35 * * * * * Cini provorde - Chinese proverbs - Proverbes chinois * * * Tale de flore futuri se in de sieme odiu. Toutes les fleurs de l'avenir sont dans les semences d'aujourd'hui. All the flowers of the future...